Eriophyllum pringlei, Pringle's Wooly Sunflower

Scientific Name: Eriophyllum pringlei
Common Name: Pringle's Wooly Sunflower
Also Called: Pringle’s Eriophyllum, Wooly Sunflower
Family: Asteraceae, Sunflower Family
Synonyms: (Actinolepis nivea, Eriophyllum multicaule var. pringlei)
Status: Native
Duration: Annual
Size: Up to 2 inches (15 cm) or so.
Growth Form: Forb/herb; stems more or less spreading; plants white-woolly.
Leaves: Green, light green; generally 3-lobed; leaf edges or margins are rolled-under (revolute); leaf surfaces woolly; leaves arranged alternately along the stem.
Flower Color: Golden yellow, flower heads sessile from axils and solitary or in leafy clusters; florets disk only.
Flowering Season: March to May; February to July in California.
Elevation: 1,000 to 6,500 feet (304-1,981 m)
Habitat Preferences: Mesas, plains, canyons, hillsides, sandy or gravelly soil in various habitats; desert scrub, chaparral vegetation, sagebrush or woodland.
Recorded Range: Rare in the United States where it is native only to AZ, southeast CA and southern NV. Also native to Baja California and northern Mexico. Limited in distribution in Arizona to the central, southern and northwest parts of the state.
North America & US County Distribution Map for Eriophyllum pringlei.
North America species range map for Pringle's Wooly Sunflower, Eriophyllum pringlei:
North American range map courtesy of Virginia Tech, Dept. of Forest Resources & Environmental Conservation
U.S. Weed Information: Unknown
Invasive/Noxious Weed Information: Unknown
Wetland Indicator: Unknown
Threatened/Endangered Information: Unknown
Genus Information:In North America there are 12 species and 12 accepted taxa overall for Eriophyllum (includes genus Antheropeas as a synonym). Worldwide, The Plant List includes 13 accepted species names and a further 52 of infraspecific rank for the genus.
The genus Eriophyllum was published by Mariano Lagasca y Segura in 1816.In the Southwestern United States: Arizona has 5 species of genus, California has 13 species, Nevada has 5 species, New Mexico has 1 species, Texas has 0 species, Utah has 3 species. Statistics include genus Antheropeas as a synonym. All data is approximate and subject to taxonomic changes.
Comments: Pringle's Woolly Sunflower is the only one of 3 species of Eriophyllum native to Arizona without ray florets. Pringle's Woolly Sunflower is partial to the Mojave Desert and Lower Colorado Basin area although it is native to both the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. Although the Lower Colorado River Basin is a sub-division of the Sonoran desert it possess characteristics similar to the Mojave Desert.
In Southwest Desert Flora also see; White Woolly Daisy, Eriophyllum lanosum and Wallace Eriophyllum, Eriophyllum wallacei.
The genus Eriophyllum was published by Mariano Lagasca y Segura in 1816.
The species epithet “pringlei” (pring'lei:) is named in honor of Cyrus G. Pringle, (1838-1911)