Southwest Desert Flora
Home to the plants of the Sonoran, Chihuahuan and Mojave Deserts
Common Weeds profiled in Southwest Desert Flora
Species listed here considered weedy or noxious by 1 or more jurisdictions.
updated 03/21/2022)
- Achillea millefolium, Common Yarrow
- Ailanthus altissima, Tree of Heaven
- Alternanthera caracasana, Khaki Weed
- Alternanthera pungens, Khakiweed
- Amaranthus albus, Prostrate Pigweed
- Amaranthus blitoides, Mat Amaranth
- Amaranthus palmeri, Carelessweed
- Anthriscus caucalis, Burr Chervil; photos added 03/21/2022)
- Atriplex canescens, Four-wing Salt Bush
- Carduus pycnocephalus, Italian Plumeless-Thistle
- Centaurea melitensis, Maltese Star-thistle
- Centaurea solstitialis, Yellow Star-thistle (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Chenopodiastrum murale, Nettleleaf Goosefoot
- Chenopodium album, Lambsquarters
- Chenopodium ficifolium, Fig-Leaf Goosefoot added (10/23/2021)
- Convolvulus arvensis, Field Bindweed (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A3, R3-4-245-A3)
- Cuscuta indecora, Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A3, R3-4-245-A3)
- Eclipta prostrata, False Daisy
- Erodium cicutarium, Redstem Stork's Bill; added 03/21/2022)
- Erodium texanum, Texas Stork's Bill
- Galium aparine, Common Bedstraw
- Herniaria hirsuta, Hairy Rupturewort
- Ipomoea barbatisepala, Canyon Morning-glory (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Ipomoea capillacea, Purple Morning-glory AZ (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Ipomoea costellata, Crestrib Morning-glory (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Ipomoea cristulata, Trans-Pecos morning-glory (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Ipomoea hederacea, Ivyleaf Morning-glory (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Ipomoea longifolia, Pinkthroat Morning-glory (AZ Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Ipomoea ternifolia, Tripleleaf Morning-glory ( Restricted under R3-4-244-A4)
- Kali tragus, Prickly Russian Thistle (=Salsola tragus)
- Lactuca serriola, Prickly Lettuce
- Linaria vulgaris, Yellow Toadflax
- Malva neglecta, Common Mallow
- Malva parviflora, Cheeseweed Mallow
- Medicago polymorpha, Burclover (AZ Regulated Pest under R3-4-244-A3, R3-4-245-A3)
- Medicago sativa, Alfalfa
- Monolepis nuttalliana, Nuttall's Povertyweed
- Oncosiphon piluliferum, Stinknet(AZ Regulated Pest under R3-4-244-A3, R3-4-245-A3)
- Oxalis corniculata, Creeping Woodsorrel
- Oxalis stricta, Common Yellow Oxalis
- Pentzia incana, African Sheepbush
- Persicaria lapathifolia, Curlytop Knotweed
- Plantago major, Common Plantain
- Polygonum argyrocoleon, Silversheath Knotweed
- Portulaca oleracea, Common Purslane (AZ Regulated Pest under R3-4-244-A3, R3-4-245-A3)
- Salsola tragus, Prickly Russian Thistle
- Senecio vulgaris, Common Groundsel
- Silybum marianum, Blessed Milkthistle
- Sisymbrium irio, London Rocket
- Solanum elaeagnifolium, Silverleaf Nightshade
- Solanum rostratum, Buffalobur Nightshade
- Sonchus asper, Spiny Sowthistle
- Sonchus oleraceus, Common Sowthistle
- Tamarix chinensis, Chinese Saltcedar
- Taraxacum officinale, Common Dandelion
- Trianthema portulacastrum, Desert Horsepurslane
- Tribulus terrestris, Puncturevine (AZ Regulated Pest under R3-4-244-A3, R3-4-245-A3)
- Verbascum thapsus, Common Mullein