Southwest Desert Flora
Home to the plants of the Sonoran, Chihuahuan and Mojave Deserts
Vines profiled in Southwest Desert Flora
- Apodanthera undulata, Melon Loco
- Antigonon leptopus, Coral Vine
- Aristolochia watsonii, Watson's Dutchman's Pipe
- Brandegea bigelovii, Desert Starvine
- Calystegia longipes, Paiute False Bindweed
- Clematis drummondii, Drummond's Clematis
- Convolvulus arvensis, Field Bindweed
- Convolvulus equitans, Texas Bindweed
- Cottsia gracilis, Slender Janusia
- Cuscuta indecora, Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder
- Echinopepon wrightii, Wild Balsam Apple
- Galium aparine, Common Bedstraw
- Lonicera albiflora, Western White Honeysuckle
- Lonicera arizonica, Arizona Honeysuckle
- Lonicera interrupta, Chaparral Honeysuckle
- Ipomoea barbatisepala, Canyon Morning-glory
- Ipomoea costellata, Crestrib Morning-glory
- Ipomoea cristulata, Trans-Pecos morning-glory
- Ipomoea hederacea, Ivyleaf Morning-glory
- Ipomoea longifolia, Pinkthroat Morning-glory
- Ipomoea ternifolia, Tripleleaf Morning-glory
- Macroptilium gibbosifolium, Variableleaf Bushbean
- Marah gilensis, Wild Cucumber
- Maurandella antirrhiniflora, Climbing Snapdragon
- Passiflora arizonica, Arizona Passionflower
- Passiflora mexicana, Mexican Passionflower
- Phaseolus filiformis, Slimjim Bean
- Phaseolus angustissimus, Slimleaf Bean
- Rubus leucodermis, Whitebark Raspberry
- Sarcostemma cynanchoides, Fringed Twinevine
- Toxicodendron rydbergii, Western Poison Ivy
- Vicia americana, American Deervetch
- Vitis arizonica, Canyon Grape