Anoda cristata, Crested Anoda

Scientific Name: Anoda cristata
Common Name: Crested Anoda
Also Called: Spurred Anoda, Violettas, (Spanish: Violeta, Pintapán)
Family: Malvaceae, Globe Mallow Family
Synonyms: (Anoda acerifolia, Anoda cristata var. brachyantha, Anoda cristata var. digitata, Anoda lavaterioides, Sida cristata)
Status: Native
Duration: Annual
Size: Up to 2½ feet or more.
Growth Form: Forb/herb; stems decumbent to erect, herbage sparsely hirsute with long spreading hairs.
Leaves: Green; alternate, simple, leaf shape triangular to hastate, pubescent.
Flower Color: Purple; flowers solitary from axils, calyx visible in fruit, fruit a dark green schizocarp with 9 to 20 segments.
Flowering Season: August to October.
Elevation: 3,500 to 6,500 feet.
Habitat Preferences: Common in Arizona along stream and other moist meadows, uncommon in California where it is found in disturbed areas, urban places and gardens.
Recorded Range: Anoda cristata is found mostly in the United States in the mid-west and southern states in: AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA ans WV. It is also native to northern and central Mexico and Southward to South America.
North America & US County Distribution Map for Anoda cristata.
U.S. Weed Information: Anoda cristata is listed in: Weeds of Kentucky and adjacent states, Weeds of the United States and Canada and Weeds of the West. Plants included here may become weedy or invasive.
Invasive/Noxious Weed Information: Anoda cristata is listed as a Noxious Weed by the State of Colorado as a noxious weed. (spurred Anoda, B list (noxious weeds). Plants included here are invasive or noxious.
Wetland Indicator: In North America Anoda cristata has the following wetland designations;
Arid West, FAC,
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain, FAC,
Eastern Mountains and Piedmont, UPL,
Great Plains, FAC,Midwest, FAC, Northcentral & Northeast, FAC and
Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast, FAC.
FAC = Facultative, occur in wetlands and non-wetlands,
UPL = Obligate Upland, almost never occur in wetlands.
Threatened/Endangered Information: No information available.
The Plant List includes 23 accepted species names for Anoda.
Comments: Crested or Spurred Anoda does not appear to be aggressive or weedy in Arizona.